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100 Days of UI

Summer 2019
Daily UI mockup

An exploration of creative ideas in UI design.








UX, UI, Animation


In Summer 2019, I decided to improve my visual design skills by creating a UI design every day. I did ~35 days of the challenge before taking a hiatus to work on larger projects. I posted my day's design each day on Instagram. Here are some of those designs.


  1. OOF
    Website brand exploration for summer project with friends
  2. Sign-In
    A hypothetical marketplace where users can sign up to find local home-cooked meals and home cooks can host meals
  3. Credit Card Checkout
    A vibrant interface capable of saving credit cards for checkout and how adding cards might work
  4. Landing Page
    Experimental landing page for Milwaukee company @milwaukeehome centered around their PRIDE merchandise
  5. Calculator
    Mobile calculator design in light and dark themes
  6. App Icon
    A sample app icon for Simile, an NLP-enabled songwriting tool I ideated with a group for a project
  7. User Profile
    A concept app that facilitates connections at large events and conferences where many people find introductions and and starting conversations difficult
  8. Settings
    A settings page redesign for Uber Eats
  9. Page Not Found
    404 pages for an agency with a pointy, informal, slightly humorous and relatively crass voice and tone
  10. Music Player
    Alternative music player to Spotify or Apple Music where you can see upcoming songs in a queue/playlist/radio
  11. Sharing
    Potential mobile sharing interface for Medium
  12. Boxed Water Home Redesign
    Re-designing the Box homepage to reflect their brand
  13. Messages Tweaks on Mac
    Tweaks to bring Messages on Mac up to par with the iPhone equivalent
  14. Timer
    For for a cooking app that helps beginner chefs walk through recipes
  15. Switches
    Concepts for Toggle/Switch UIs
  16. Popup
    Congratulatory popup concept for a music startup I’ve worked for the last 2 years
  17. Delta Email Receipt
    Re-designing Deltas email receipts
  18. Alexa Data Analytics
    An analytics dashboard concept for the Alexa mobile application to help build this trust and transparency based on data available to third-party developers
  19. SXSW Landing Pages
    A collection of procedurally-generated, trendy, futuristic designs for SXSW 2020
  20. NLP for Songwriting
    Converting mid-fi to hi-fi mockups for an NLP songwriting tool, Simile
  21. Leaderboard
    What if donations for crowdfunding sites were competitive?
  22. Tinder for Running
    What if this running data was made public for people to browse through?
  23. Search
    Re-organizing the elements on this screen to make finding products easier
  24. Boarding Passes
    Re-designing boarding passes for Delta
  25. Portfolio
    Iteration for future portfolio website design
  26. Healthcare Dashboard
    A draft for a healthcare AI startup
  27. TV Streaming App
    A Netflix/Hulu hybrid for TVs and large devices
  28. Luxury Watches
    Home screen for a luxury watch company, Blancpain
  29. Contact Us
    A minimalist contact us page for a media company
  30. Calendar
    Deesigning a calendar app integrates with better task management capabilities
  31. Menu Animation
    A simple menu animation for a calendar screen
  32. Calendar Animation
    A simple cascading animation for a calendar month dropdown
  33. Coding Resources Layouts
    Brainstorming different app layouts for a simple application I’m planning on building out for fun sometime later this year
  34. when2(.0)meet
    A when2meet substitute with a ~fancier~ but hopefully easier to understand interface
  35. Facebook Political Ads
    Increasing Facebook's transparency in political ads cards in the Facebook Newsfeed using existing interface elements


Further progress on 100 Days of UI may be continued post-graduation.

To see more details about each design, visit the links or my IG: @bennett.creative.